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Commander: Top 10 Best Budget Manabase

Commander: Top 10 Best Budget Manabase

Daniel Cataia

In this article, I bring a Top 10 Budget Lands for your Commander decks, using price and efficiency ...

Manabase Budget Top 10 Commander

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Top 15 Mana Ramps in cEDH

Felipe Torres

A selection of the top 15 mana ramp cards used in cEDH.

cEDH top 15 commander

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Deck Tech: Kennen Ezreal - A lot of burn for just a bit of mana

Capitão Serket

The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...

competitive Combo Ionia Piltover

Unveiling Commander: Types of Mana Acceleration / Ramp

Unveiling Commander: Types of Mana Acceleration / Ramp

Vinicius Sorin

Understand the relevance and different kinds of mana acceleration that exists on Commander.

Commander casual mana

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games

New Management for MTGO: Wizards announces partnership with Daybreak Games


Starting in 2022, Daybreak Games will be on charge of Magic Online's development and publishing. The...

news mtgo daybreak wizards

The cEDH Archetypes #11 - Infinite Mana. What now?

The cEDH Archetypes #11 - Infinite Mana. What now?

Thiago Fogaça

Today I'll discuss some commanders previously used as mana synthesizers, as a way to present more op...

commander edh

New online tournament management tool

New online tournament management tool


This tool is free and allows anyone to organize their tournament in Swiss format.


New partnership with ManaTraders - rent decks in Magic Online

New partnership with ManaTraders - rent decks in Magic Online


By clicking on the "Rent in ManaTraders" button, you will be redirected to the ManaTraders website a...

news mol

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