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In today's article, we review the changes and impact that the December 4th banned and restricted upd...
Banlist Review Metagame
In today's article, we evaluate which are the main cards likely to be banned from Pioneer in the nex...
Pioneer Banlist
Pacto das Guildas
Izzet Phoenix has returned to the top of the Pioneer metagame as one of the best decks at the moment...
Pioneer Deck Tech Side Guide
The Discover ability brought a new one-card combo to Pioneer. In this article, we evaluate how this ...
Pioneer Discover Combo
In today's article, we evaluate the main cards from Lost Caverns of Ixalan for Pioneer!
Pioneer Ixalan Review
Lost Caverns of Ixalan closed a new cycle of manlands for Standard and Pioneer - the first of allied...
Manlands Pioneer Standard Review
Lost Caverns of Ixalan is Magic: The Gathering's new set, and, during spoiler season, many interesti...
Pioneer Standard Preview Ixalan
Unstable Glyphbridge is another card revealed in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, the next Magic: The Gat...
standard pioneer ixalan
Molten Collapse is one of Lost Caverns of Ixalan's most promising cards for eternal formats. In this...
Review Modern Legacy Pioneer
Amalia Benavides Aguirre enables a new combo for Pioneer. In this article, we analyze how the combo ...
Pioneer Combo Amalia
The planeswalker version of Quintorius was revealed in Lost Caverns of Ixalan. In this article, we a...
Quintorius review pioneer standard
Merging efficient creatures with the classic Azorius Control shell, Azorius Flash is an excellent Te...
Azorius Flash Pioneer Guide
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is the next set coming to Standard, and Cavern of Souls will get a reprin...
Reprint Ixalan Standard Pioneer Explorer
Boros Heroic returned to the Pioneer spotlight after Wilds of Eldraine brought a powerful new additi...
Pioneer Boros Heroic Deck Guide
Continuing with the Wilds of Eldraine's previews, in today's article I decided to talk about Up the ...
Standard Pioneer Modern
The Wilds of Eldraine previews continue. In today's article, I will discuss the potential of Werefox...
Standard Pioneer Explorer Commander WOE
Wilds of Eldraine has revealed Blossoming Tortoise to us, a card that has synergy with strategies wh...
Standard Pioneer Commander Eldraine
Wilds of Eldraine is here, and the set revealed the Sleight of Hand reprint. What will the impact of...
explorer standard pioneer