Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
Meet the runner-up deck of the Stuttgart regionals, in Germany, made by the Belgian player Brent Coo...
Pokémon TCG Mew Top 8
Pedro Fernandes
In today's article, we'll look at the best decks for Hearthstone Classic!
Classic Hearthstone Decks
Today we will look at the most winning deck of the new class, the Frost Death Knight! A deck with a ...
Decks Death Knight Frost Hearthstone
Meet the Mewtwo VUnion control deck that was in the top 8 in the German regional of 2022.2, by the p...
PokémonTCG Mewtwo Control
Meet Articuno's paralysis deck that took first place at the 2022.2 Australian regionals, piloted by ...
Regional Deck Tech Standard
Discover the champion deck of the Stuttgart regional, in Germany, made by the Polish Mateusz Łaszkie...
Pokémon TCG Vikavolt V
Today, we'll talk about Blood Death Knight, one of the most popular and promising decks of the new e...
Deck Guide Death Knight Hearthstone
Daniel Cataia
In this article I bring a Top 10 of great illustrators that were notorious in almost 30 years of Mag...
top10 artists
Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...
Decks Hearthstone Standard
In today's article, we present the five best cards from the last Booster Set of the year, JumpStart ...
Review Pauper JumpStart 2022
Mateus Nogueira
Jumpstart 2022 is among us and it brings the age old question: what is good? Will your pocket be abl...
cedh commander jumpstart
This article will help you with TPoC: it is a very fun mode, but some decisions can affect your expe...
TPoc Tips Beginners Resources
Pacto das Guildas
Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...
Pioneer Competitive Guide
Cards Realm was one of the guests invited to take part in an interview with the March of the Lich Ki...
interview hearthstone Death Knight
Cynthia Proença
Do you find Flesh and Blood interesting, but don't want to start out spending much? Here we have all...
commoner fab budget
This is an article to scare you with old artworks and find out why Magic was the target of religious...
top10 artworks scare
Eduardo Silveira
This is an analysis of the pre-constructed deck "Mishra's Burnished Banner", commanded by Mishra, Em...
EDH Grixis Artifact Matters
An analysis of The Brothers' War Commander Precon: Urza's Iron Alliance, the artifact themed deck le...
EDH Commander Precon Upgrades