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We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.
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Marcos Sobral
In this article, I assess the most recent changes and discuss which cards should be present on Yu-G...
Mateus Nogueira
We're looking once more at the 2022 Conquest metagame, this time at the cards. The biggest win and p...
Conquest Metagame Analysis Staples
In this analysis, we'll see some cards that are going into the format, their potential and where the...
Magic Pauper
Tony Lucas
Find out which cards are unbalanced and need to be contained in Marvel Snap!
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Let's test out the new Phyrexia card in a deck that never saw much play in Pioneer, but it just migh...
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Rodrigo William
Keep yourself updated with all the information about 2023's Rotation, which will happen in April, so...
PokémonTCG Rotation Sword&Shield
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
Woah! Did you just get owned by an emote? Did they think you were the toxic one? No problem, here we...
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In today's article, we'll analyze the 2022 Conquest metagame! Which were the most popular commanders...
Conquest Metagame Analysis
Nat Almeida
Have you imagined if a commander doesn't go back to the Commander Zone and has its abilities "counte...
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Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Yasuo, Gwen and Jinx have already gotten Path of the Champions powers in PvP, but other champions mi...
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Pedro Braga
Of all Magic tribes, one of the most loved ones are elves! In today's article, we'll learn how to us...
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Would you be one of the lucky few that comes out unharmed, or one of the unlucky compleated? Answer ...
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Pedro Fernandes
2023 barely started, and you can already climb the Overwatch 2 ranked ladder! Check out today the be...
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Here we will show some numbers per country: percentage of adults that gamble, number of betting shop...
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eSports, aka electronic sports, has become the next big sport with a large growing audience from all...
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Prepaid cards have become quite popular amongst gamblers because there’s no need to link a bank acco...
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No-deposit bonuses are a popular type of promotion offered by online casinos. These bonuses allow pl...
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