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Rodrigo William
Keep up with the Zapdos ex deck from the 151 Kanto Sub Set special collection. Its strategy is deali...
Standard Zapdos Kanto 151 Theory
Renan Menezes
The best way to start playing any TCG is by not spending much, and, therefore, here are 5 budget dec...
budget constructed Nami Zoro
Get to know the set 151 Blastoise ex list, using Baxcalibur's advantages with the dynamic energy set...
Standard Blastoise Kanto Theory 151
See the Charizard ex deck with the fire archetype, using the ability of Charizard ex Terastral for e...
Charizard 151 Kanto Theory
Keep up with the Grass type Venusaur ex deck with resources which put this Pokémon in the spotlight,...
Venusaur 151 Theory
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll discuss one of the most popular and aggressive decks in the game, with Fai...
blitz Fai Uprising FaB Ninja
In this article, we take a look at the top ten cards from Wilds of Eldraine for Modern!
Modern Eldraine Review
Dimir Midrange is the current best deck in Standard, combining several efficient means of getting va...
Dimir Midrange Standard Deck Guide
In this article, we present first impressions and evaluate the potential in competitive formats of W...
Eldraine Spoiler Highlight
Get to know the Alakazam ex deck with the Psychic archetype and the "stall" strategy, locking down y...
151 Kanto Alakazam Theory
Lucas Felix
Studying and learning about the new Commander Masters Enchantment pre-con deck
Commander Upgrade Tech
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The Eternal competitive season has started, and today we've brought the best lists to play in the fi...
guide eternal decks
Fernando "Finkel"
In this article, we'll do a brief analysis on the goals of the Lord of the Rings precon deck, and, b...
edh elves precon
Eduardo Silveira
In this article, I'll discuss how to upgrade the precon commander deck, "Eldrazi Unbound", with Zhul...
edh Eldrazi Commander CMM
Check out an analysis of the ten best cards which will grab the spotlight in the Scarlet & Violet 3:...
Staples Standard Obsidian Flames
Check out the Top 10 most expensive cards in the Obsidian Flames set, the third set from the Scarlet...
PokémonTCG ObsidianFlames Charizard Terastral
In today's article, we'll take a look at the new booster set, Dusk Till Dawn, and analyze what it br...
review dtd FaB Prism Vynnset
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