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Tony Lucas
In this article, you learn about the importance of priority and who reveals cards first in the game,...
Guide Beginners Priority
Pacto das Guildas
Learn more about Grixis Midrange, one of the strongest decks in Standard today. Learn how the list ...
Standard Grixis Midrange Deck Guide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss Mulligan and stats, and at the same time, I'll try to teach you a bit...
guide rumble vayne lor
Thanos is dominating the Marvel Snap ladder and tournament meta and in this article I'm going to bre...
Deck Guide Thanos Pool 5
Rodrigo William
Follow the analysis of the decks that won in first and second place, by Shizuya Yamamoto and Riku Sa...
Japan Rotation Scarlet&Violet
Follow the farewell of a giant who debuted the concept of VMax cards at the beginning of Sword / Shi...
Standard Eternatus Deck Guide
Izzet Creativity is the new Combo-Control that rose to prominence after Reid Duke won Pro Tour Phyre...
Pioneer Izzet Creativity Pro Tour
Atraxa has found yet another home in the Legacy. Sneak n' Show is another archetype that gained an e...
Legacy Deck Tech Sneak Attack Show & Tell
Tiago Fuguete
Pauper has a new darling, and it's not red and doesn't care about artifacts: learn more about Orzhov...
Orzhov Ephemerate Pauper Deck Guide
In this article, we'll discuss the Singleton format, which will be played in the next Daily Rumbles ...
guide news singleton competitive
In this article, you'll learn how to play with the latest OTK list in Legends of Runeterra. The Misc...
guide mischievous marai otk
Raphael Martinez
In this article, we will explore Pioneer's Mono White Aggro, the closer the format has of Death and ...
Pioneer Mono White Deck Guide
In this article, you'll find out the secrets behind the strength of Kayle and Leona, who are dominat...
guide insider knowledge kayle leona
Cephalid Breakfast is a Legacy old-timer who got revamped thanks to a few additions on the past year...
Legacy Cephalid Breakfast Combo
We will talk about the Gruul Midrange or Gruul Vehicles, trying to understand which are the best gam...
Pioneer Gruul Deck Guide
Gabriel (Raj)
Today we'll talk about Hammer Time its Azorius version, an aggro-combo deck that scares the opponent...
Hammer Time Azorius Deck Guide
For years, Griselbrand was the absolute lord of the Reanimator. But now, at least in the Dimir versi...
Legacy Atraxa Reanimator
Atraxa, Grand Unifier has impacted all competitive formats. In this deck, she teams up with Soulflay...
Atraxa Pioneer Soulflayer Deck Guide