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Magic: the Gathering
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Let's discuss the second deck of this new series: Orvar, the All-Form!
cedh commander
In Today’s Eleven Questions, we interviewed Brian Lewis, better known as "The Professor"! We talked ...
interview Lewis arena tolarian
Mateus Fernandes qualified for the Strixhaven Championship on the Modern Super Qualifier, on which h...
Modern Mol Competitive Analysis Tron
This article shows 6 new cards from Strixhaven and how they might impact competitive Commander table...
cedh commander strixhaven CMD
Welcome to the first article in my free-to-play series. In today's article, I will be tackling the b...
MTGA Free to Play Guide Beginner Arena
Ricardo Mattana
Understand how the Cascade mechanic is messing with the "rock-paper-scissors" of the Pauper metagame...
Pauper Cascade MTG Snow
Today we'll talk about Mono Black Aristocrats, a deck that sacrifices its own creatures to take adva...
Pauper MBC Monoblack
This article dissuss a decklist focused on control for Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, which can be a bu...
cedh budget control
This Article discuss a decklists focused on resilient combos for Prime Speaker Vannifar as a budget ...
Commander EDH Budget
Today, we will make the metagame analysis from 2020's last Challenges !
Metagame Analysis
On this article, I will show the potential of Kaldheim's newest legendary creature: Magda, Brazen Ou...
Commander Kaldheim Analysis ed
Christmas is coming and we all have our own wishlist. Today, I list fifteen black cards that could b...
Pauper Reprint
HG Team
I'll talk about Brad Barclay's victory on Zendikar Rising Championship and bring a Sideboard Guide t...
Sideboard Control HGTeam
Commander Legends arrives at Magic Online tomorrow, and here are some ideas and decklists that came ...
Pauoer Deck Commander
Kaladesh Remastered comes to Magic Arena on November 12th, bringing some news to Historic!
Historic Competitive Review
Like it or not, there is a reality that we all need to accept: Magic has grown and it has changed.
opinion secret lair arena hasbro
We have started a new season in Penny Dreadful. How is it being developed? Which decks are dominatin...
Penny Budget
The Secret Lair X The Walking Dead product will be released on October 4th and will have cards never...
pauper legacy commander edh