الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Understand the Pure Paladin deck and learn how to get the most out of your cards! With no nerfs sche...
Deck Guide Standard Pure Paladin
Nat Almeida
How about setting up a garden so your saprolings can multiply using your opponents' creatures as foo...
Commander Nemata Deck Tech
In this article, we comment on the changes on Patch 4.5.0, and we'll give some tips on which decks t...
eternal decks patch review
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the 5 best decks of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in Advanced Format following the la...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Best Decks Cyberstorm Access
A comprehensive guide to Jeskai Affinity Pauper, providing a detailed overview of the deck, tech cho...
Pauper Affinity Jeskai Artifact
The Calling: Antwerp took place over this weekend, from May 19th to 21st, and was reportedly the big...
news competitive antwerp fab
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The Aatrox Vayne and Quinn list dominated the meta in two back to back Runeterra Opens, and it has s...
guide standard deck tech
Tiago Fuguete
In this article, I review the current Pauper Metagame in 2023 and prepare a Top 10 with the best dec...
Pauper Best Decks 2023
In this article, you'll learn how to play with one of the hardest, but also one of the most rewardin...
guide decktech standard
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's delve deep into Azalea's precon, with a deck tech and a guide on how to up...
FaB Azalea Blitz Deck Guide
Come meet and learn how to use a strong deck, which came to shake up the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG's Metagame
Yu-Gi-Oh! Superheavy Samurai Deck Guide
Let's talk about one of the most well-known tribes: the Goblins. Read this article to learn a little...
Goblin Lore Tribes
In this article, you'll see a Lurk guide. Pyke and Rek'Sai are having a lot of success among players...
aggro reksai pyke lurk
Sultai Shadow is a new variant of Death's Shadow decks in Modern, and looks to take advantage of Inv...
Shadow Sultai Modern Deck Guide
Pedro Braga
With Oathbreaker being recognized as an official Magic format, many asked themselves, "What are the ...
Oathbreaker Decks
Rodrigo William
We revisited the birds of Kanto, which having a good amount of HP, it has a great attack value and a...
PokémonTCG Kanto Birds Expanded
In this article, we will discuss a RUG Gates deck I've been playing in Pauper, covering topics such ...
brew rogue Gates Pauper
Bant Control has been a recurring player in the Metagame since Uro was released. But this 4-color ve...
Legacy Deck Guide Atraxa Bant