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See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

Divinity Of Philosophy

There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...

decklists lineup top16 worlds

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra

How Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Legends of Runeterra


In this article, we will discuss how the randomness present in Beyond the Bandlewood is impacting Ru...

Runeterra competitive bandlewood

Vampires in Magic: Origins and History

Vampires in Magic: Origins and History


With one more return to Innistrad, some creatures are back in evidence. Today we're going to learn m...

vampires lore innistrad

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Modern: Izzet Tempo and Topdeck consistency

Gabriel Nunes

Today, we'll present a detailed vision of one of the most important decks in Modern today: Izzet Tem...

izzet modern metagame

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Gabriel Nunes

We take a closer look at one of the decks that is gaining more new features to conquer space in the ...

modern mill metagame

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions

10 new decks with Beyond the Bandlewood's Champions


The metagame after "Beyond the Bandlewood" hasn't been stabilized yet, so this is the best time for ...

decks runeterra lor bandlewood

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck

Throwback Magic: Gabriel Nassif Standard/2009 Cruel Control deck


In this article, which seeks to bring an analysis of decks that made history in Magic, we analyze th...

Analysis throwback nassif decktech

9 Historic Decklists with JumpStart: Historic Horizons

9 Historic Decklists with JumpStart: Historic Horizons

Thiago NileDeath

We'll talk about updated lists with Jumpstart that are being used and have the potential to become e...

historic jumpstart decklists

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Modern: Mono-Green Tron and Timing

Gabriel Nunes

Tron is back into the Modern metagame. Today, we'll explore how it got back into the Challenges and ...

modern tron metagame

Zombies on Magic: History, Lore and Decks

Zombies on Magic: History, Lore and Decks


Let's get to know a little more about the Zombies, a remarkable Magic tribe, which has a history ins...

zombie lore history tribal

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes

Explaining Legends of Runeterra's Archetypes


In this article, I'll explain in a simple way how Legends of Runeterra's archetypes works and help y...

archetypes lor aggro midrange control combo

Modern: Jund Food and the importance of Meta Call

Modern: Jund Food and the importance of Meta Call

Gabriel Nunes

A closer look at Jund Food, which appeared making results in recent weeks and an important lesson ab...

modern jund challenge ragavan

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

How do the Multi-region cards work in Legends of Runeterra

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the launch of multi-region cards, a lot of players have questions about which cards can be used...

BandleCity Multi-region LoR Expansion

An Interview with Ondřej Stráský, last MPL winner!

An Interview with Ondřej Stráský, last MPL winner!


Check out the interview with Czech Pro Player Ondřej Stráský, last MPL winner.

magic pro interview MPL

Discovering the Types of Legends of Runeterra Tournaments

Discovering the Types of Legends of Runeterra Tournaments


In this article, I explain the Legends of Runeterra tournament formats and also present to you an am...

lor runeterra tournaments locks rules

Predictions for Bandle City, the Last Legends of Runeterra Region

Predictions for Bandle City, the Last Legends of Runeterra Region

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With Bandle City coming at the end of August, what can we expect from the new region?

BandleCity news lore LoR

Who is Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel + Fortune Hunters Deck Tech

Who is Akshan, the Rogue Sentinel + Fortune Hunters Deck Tech

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

Meet Akshan, the new Legends of Runeterra champion, and learn how to play with him in a thematic and...

lore LoR Akshan Sivir Midrange Decktech

How to Get Started in Legends of Runeterra

How to Get Started in Legends of Runeterra


In this article, I present tips and tricks to get started in Legends of Runeterra, and how to increa...

lor starting legendsofruneterra

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