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Magic: the Gathering
Flesh and Blood
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Naoki Yoshida was honored during BGS 2023 for his contributions to the gaming industry. In this arti...
BGS 2023 Brazil FFXIV
In this article, we present five budget decks to start playing the Standard format in Magic Arena!
Standard Budget Decks
Rodolfo Nogueira
Van Gogh Museum and The Pokémon Company form a partnership to celebrate the museum's 50th anniversar...
pokemon vangogh museu celebracao
With the World Championship over, we have an overview of which strategies succeeded and failed in Ma...
Standard Worlds Metagame
With new cards from Wilds of Eldraine, Boros Convoke has gained space in Best of One Standard! In th...
Standard Boros Convoke Best of One Guide
Boros Heroic returned to the Pioneer spotlight after Wilds of Eldraine brought a powerful new additi...
Pioneer Boros Heroic Deck Guide
Domain Cascade showed promising results in the first week of Wilds of Eldraine, but can it live up t...
Standard Domain Cascade Deck Guide
In this article, we'll show another Companion from the series "EDH Companion Guide", starring Henzie...
companion commander edh
Check out, in this article, the main new decks that have shown up at competitive tournaments in the ...
Eldraine Standard Metagame
One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...
news competitive fab
The newest product release from Yu-Gi-Oh! is a faithful replica of the Millenium Rod, a legendary it...
news millenium yu-gi-oh!
In this article, we take a look at the top ten cards from Wilds of Eldraine for Modern!
Modern Eldraine Review
Dimir Midrange is the current best deck in Standard, combining several efficient means of getting va...
Dimir Midrange Standard Deck Guide
In this article, we present first impressions and evaluate the potential in competitive formats of W...
Eldraine Spoiler Highlight
Nat Almeida
Catch up with everything that happened in Eldraine after the phyrexian invasion with this "Wilds of ...
lore eldraine summary
Rodrigo William
Check out what happened at Yokohama Worlds, in Japan, during this weekend from August 11th to 13th, ...
standard world yokohama Japan
In a not-at-all surprising move, just a month after The One Ring was found, Post Malone, the celebri...
news lotr the one ring post malone
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll explore the popular Modern combo right now, with Flumph and Orcish Bowmast...
modern competitive