الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the 5 best decks for the format as of August 2022. Check out the details ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 5 Decks
Rodrigo William
A new McDonald's promotion for Pokémon TCG is available in the United States, United Kingdom and Can...
PokémonTCG Happy Meal Promo
Felipe Torres
In this article, I present six commanders that can make great decks near 150 dollars.
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Today I'll bring you a grixis turbo/storm list, with the commanders, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools and ...
cEDH commander storm
Meet the deck that became champion at the June 2022 International in the United States, created by A...
Champion International 2022 Standard
Tony Lucas
A guide on how to play Ahri/Bard, a deck that will probably be this Seasonal's star list!
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Caw-Gate was the big news on this weekend's Pauper Challenge, taking advantage of one of the most un...
pauper caw gate deck guide
Gabriel Singh
Starting out in Blitz and need help deciding which hero best represents your style? In Part 1 of thi...
Blitz Heroes
Dea Pecuniae
A great list for those who like to play Control. This deck explores the interaction between Key to A...
Alchemy Deck Guide Azorius Control
A general guide on how to build and optimize your Sideboard for competitive tournaments.
Sideboard strategy competitive
Barba do Rafa
Get to know Atreus' Ascension journey, find out how men can defeat Gods — and what that has to do wi...
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In this article, we'll talk about the 10 most valuable cards from Fusion Strike!
pokemon tcg cards fusion strike
Capitão Serket
The Ezreal Kennen deck is for those who love to get their opponents off guard and deal a lot of dire...
competitive Combo Ionia Piltover
GP/TF tempo deck is a list that shows up since the beginning of the game, great players dominate thi...
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Tabata Marques
Magic is also considered a collector's item. With that in mind, I'm bringing you some curiosities ab...
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In this article, the discussion is going to focus on defining gaming and drawing the line that conne...
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Kindly read on to understand what it takes to write a research paper.
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This article will learn why some of the most played online casino games are at the top of the list. ...
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