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Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Standard Deck Guide: Hero Power Druid - Now with StarCraft!

Pedro Fernandes

Hero Power Druid got a breath of fresh air after Heroes of StarCraft came along! Today, we'll show y...

druid decks standard hearthstone

Commander Deck Tech: Oswald Fiddlebender - Artifact Pod!

Commander Deck Tech: Oswald Fiddlebender - Artifact Pod!

João "Jam" Barros

Do you enjoy powerful decks that force you to make tough choices? If so, this deck is for you - and ...

deck tech commander list

Expanded Deck Tech: Vaporeon VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Vaporeon VMax

Rodrigo William

In this deck tech, we'll show you how powerful Vaporeon VMax is with Origin Forme Palkia VStar and S...

Pokémon TCG Vaporeon Expanded

Final Fantasy: Commander Decks Revealed!

Final Fantasy: Commander Decks Revealed!


The four Commander decks from Magic's partnership with Final Fantasy have been revealed, focusing on...

FF Commander Decks FinalFantasy

Legacy - Ketramose Death and Taxes: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy - Ketramose Death and Taxes: Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Death and Taxes is always evergreen in Legacy, even if it has to adapt to fit new metas. Currently, ...

legacy deck tech orzhov ketramose

LoR: Top 5 Coolest Rising Lists - February (2025 Rotation)

LoR: Top 5 Coolest Rising Lists - February (2025 Rotation)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll show you 5 rising Standard decks. These lists are relatively new, but extreme...

guide lor decks standard

Expanded Deck Tech: Aggron VMax - Metallic Pressure

Expanded Deck Tech: Aggron VMax - Metallic Pressure

Rodrigo William

Explore this Aggron VMax list that plays all the best Metal staples and is both extremely aggressive...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Aggron deck tech

One Piece TCG - Deck Guide: Captain Buggy and the Cross Guild

One Piece TCG - Deck Guide: Captain Buggy and the Cross Guild

Pedro Braga

Today, we'll explore Buggy, one of the most anticipated One Piece TCG leaders. Alongside Mihawk and ...

budget one piece tcg deck guide

Commander Deck Tech: Esika, God of the Tree

Commander Deck Tech: Esika, God of the Tree

Nat Almeida

Let's play Gods? Explore our deck tech for Esika, God of the Tree!

commander deck tech gods legends esika

Standard: Bant Toxic - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Bant Toxic - Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


After a long absence, Bant Toxic returned to Standard tournaments with a setup using Mockingbird as ...

Standard BantToxic Deck Guide

Commander Deck Tech: Aya of Alexandria

Commander Deck Tech: Aya of Alexandria

Nat Almeida

A deck with artifacts and Assassin tokens? You need to check out this Aya of Alexandria Commander de...

commander deck tech assassin's creed

Expanded Deck Tech: Flaeron VMax

Expanded Deck Tech: Flaeron VMax

Rodrigo William

Check out this Flareon VMax list that can deal up to 500 damage if you discard five energies from th...

Pokémon TCG Expanded Flareon

Metagame: Aetherdrift in Japan, US RC, and the Breach Decks Dilemma

Metagame: Aetherdrift in Japan, US RC, and the Breach Decks Dilemma


With over a thousand players, the US Regional Championship solidified Underworld Breach decks as the...

Standard Modern Metagame

Pokémon Pocket: Best NOEX Decks with Time-Space Smackdown

Pokémon Pocket: Best NOEX Decks with Time-Space Smackdown

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll go through the best Pokémon Pocket decks for the NOEX format, the "budget" fo...

guide pokémon pocket decks

Pioneer: Dimir Merfolks - Deck tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Dimir Merfolks - Deck tech & Sideboard Guide


Dimir Merfolks is a new variant of Merfolk decks in Pioneer, combining typal synergies with the famo...

Pioneer DimirMerfolks Deck Guide

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Standard Deck Guide: Zerg Death Knight - The Most Efficient Zerg List

Pedro Fernandes

Zerg Death Knight is one of the most consistent decks with Heroes of StarCraft. Let's learn how to p...

zerg death knight deck tech hearthstone

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Standard Deck Tech: Terran Shaman - Create Huge Starships and Win the Game!

Pedro Fernandes

Terran Shaman is one of the most recent, as well as most powerful, decks that Heroes of StarCraft ga...

terran shaman decks heroes of starcraft hearthstone

Upgrading Commander Precon: Eternal Might (Temmet, Naktamun's Will)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Eternal Might (Temmet, Naktamun's Will)

Nat Almeida

Let's explore Temmet in this upgraded Eternal Might precon!

deck tech zombies temmet precon commander upgrade

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